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發表於 2022-5-26 15:44:14 | 只看該作者 回帖獎勵 |正序瀏覽 |閱讀模式
5月20日,中國國際電視台CGTN(原中心電視台英文消息頻道 CCTV NEWS)以《Coronavirus Pandemic: Chengdu's TCM practitioners share Wuhan frontline expe夾扇推薦,rience》报导了我院扈晓宇和张傳涛團队在武汉應用中西醫連系方法醫治新冠肺炎获得杰出療效的故事,時长2分55秒。


中國國際電視台CGTN以《Coronavirus Pandemic: Chengdu's TCM practitioners share Wuhan frontline experience》為题报导了我院援鄂醫療队


Coronavirus Pandemic: Chengdu's TCM practitioners share Wuhan frontline experience


The age-old Traditional Chinese Medicine has become a go-to treatment for COVID-19. During the initial outbreak in Wuhan, TCM, coupled with western treat539現場開獎,ments, were highly effective. Wei Lynn Tang catches up with two physicians in this area, in Chengdu. They were among the doctors who were sent to work in Wuhan earlier this year.

古老的中藥已成為醫治新冠肺炎的一种有用手腕。在武汉疫情暴發早期,中醫西連系醫治结果顯著。在本年早些時辰去武汉抗疫的大夫中, Wei Lynn Tang记者在成都找到了此中的两位。

Bitter almond, white prepared lateral root, gypsum, these are just some of the ingredients used to make a traditional Chinese medicinal decoction.


And one that is used, among others, by doctors here in Chengdu, to treat COVID-19 patients in Wuhan. Doctor Hu Xiaoyu, who has over 20 years of infectious disease experience under his belt, spent a month in the central Chinese city.


HU XIAOYU Director, Infectious Disease Department Teaching Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine "TCM has played a very important role in this fight against COVID-19. My team treated 176 patients in Wuhan, of whom 174 including 64 severe and critically ill ones took TCM alongside Western treatment. Due to the intervention of TCM, we didn't need to use any tracheal intubation, ECMO or invasive mechanical ventilation in the treatment proc淡化黑眼圈,ess. The two patients who did not take TCM unfortunately died."


I asked Doctor Hu if this is conclusive enough to prove the efficacy of TCM in fighting COVID-19.


HU XIAOYU Director, Infectious Disease Department Teaching Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine "To get a more general conclusion, we still need to find more control groups to further analyze our data. But I think we can draw part of a conclusion here. Patients who receive our TCM preions saw an improvement in the痔瘡自療法,ir CT scans, negative conversion of their nucleic acid tests, and faster discharge time from the hospital. In our two-week clinical observation, the group who took TCM alongside Western treatment did BETTER than those who took ONLY Western medication."


Doctor Zhang Chuantao also led a team to Wuhan. He says TCM has been 85 percent effective among the 156 patients he treated. Clinical symptoms such as fever, cough, and tightness of the chest, have been reduced.


ZHANG CHUANTAO Deputy Director, Respiratory Department Teaching Hospital of Chengdu University of Traditional Chinese Medicine "We gave him oxygen therapy and also a TCM preion of Huo Pu Xia Ling Tang and Ma Xing Shi Gan Tang. His breathing improved on the second day and he could even get out of bed. We then re-adjusted his preion after."


Acknowledging that a systemic evaluation of TCM should be strengthened, both Doctors Zhang and Hu believe more people, especially skeptics, should also look at TCM with a fairer mindset and approach. WLT, CGTN, Chengdu.


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